NEW 10X Faster Labeling with Prompts—Now Generally Available in SaaS


The Audio tag plays audio and shows its waveform. Use for audio annotation tasks where you want to label regions of audio, see the waveform, and manipulate audio during annotation.

Use with the following data types: audio


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
value string Data field containing path or a URL to the audio.
[defaultspeed] string 1 Default speed level (from 0.5 to 2).
[defaultscale] string 1 Audio pane default y-scale for waveform.
[defaultzoom] string 1 Default zoom level for waveform. (from 1 to 1500).
[defaultvolume] string 1 Default volume level (from 0 to 1).
[hotkey] string Hotkey used to play or pause audio.
[sync] string Object name to sync with.
[height] string 96 Total height of the audio player.
[waveheight] string 32 Minimum height of a waveform when in splitchannels mode with multiple channels to display.
[splitchannels] boolean false Display multiple audio channels separately, if the audio file has more than one channel. (NOTE: Requires more memory to operate.)
[decoder] string "webaudio" Decoder type to use to decode audio data. ("webaudio" or "ffmpeg")
[player] string "html5" Player type to use to play audio data. ("html5" or "webaudio")

Sample Results JSON

Name Type Description
original_length number length of the original audio (seconds)
value Object
value.start number start time of the fragment (seconds)
value.end number end time of the fragment (seconds) number channel identifier which was targeted

Example JSON

  "original_length": 18,
  "value": {
    "start": 3.1,
    "end": 8.2,
    "channel": 0,
    "labels": ["Voice"]


Play audio on the labeling interface

  <Audio name="audio" value="$audio" />


Play audio with multichannel support

  <Audio name="audio" value="$audio" splitchannels="true" />


Audio classification

  <Audio name="audio" value="$audio" />
  <Choices name="ch" toName="audio">
    <Choice value="Positive" />
    <Choice value="Negative" />


Audio transcription

  <Audio name="audio" value="$audio" />
  <TextArea name="ta" toName="audio" />


Labeling configuration to label regions of audio and rate the audio sample

  <Labels name="lbl-1" toName="audio-1">
    <Label value="Guitar" />
    <Label value="Drums" />
  <Rating name="rate-1" toName="audio-1" />
  <Audio name="audio-1" value="$audio" />


Sync with video

  <Video name="video-1" value="$video" sync="audio-1" />
  <Labels name="lbl-1" toName="audio-1">
    <Label value="Guitar" />
    <Label value="Drums" />
  <Audio name="audio-1" value="$video" sync="video-1" />


Sync with paragraphs

  <Labels name="lbl-1" toName="audio-1">
    <Label value="Guitar" />
    <Label value="Drums" />
  <Audio name="audio-1" value="$audio" sync="txt-1" />
  <Paragraphs audioUrl="$audio" sync="audio-1" name="txt-1" value="$text" layout="dialogue" showplayer="true" />