WEBINAR Seven Common RAG Failures—And How to Fix Them! 🛠️


Video tag plays a simple video file. Use for video annotation tasks such as classification and transcription.

Use with the following data types: video


Param Type Default Description
name string Name of the element
value string URL of the video
[frameRate] number 24 video frame rate per second; default is 24; can use task data like $fps
[sync] string object name to sync with
[muted] boolean false muted video
[height] number 600 height of the video player
[timelineHeight] number 64 height of the timeline with regions


Labeling configuration to display a video on the labeling interface

  <Video name="video" value="$video" />


Video classification

  <Video name="video" value="$video" />
  <Choices name="ch" toName="video">
    <Choice value="Positive" />
    <Choice value="Negative" />


Video transcription

  <Video name="video" value="$video" />
  <TextArea name="ta" toName="video" />
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